Talking to our customers: Kate Dahl – founder of Career Denmark

Kate Dahl is a career consultant and the founder of Career Denmark. With her company, she connects international job seekers in Denmark with suitable positions and helps companies find the right talent.
Apr 2, 2024 4 min read
Talking to our customers: Kate Dahl – founder of Career Denmark

Kate, originally from the United States, moved to Denmark. After gaining experience in sales with over 5 positions in the SaaS world, she decided to start her own business, Career Denmark. Soon her company took off, and now she’s a career consultant working with both companies and individuals looking for jobs. When starting her company in 2020, Kate decided to use SuperSaaS to schedule appointments with her clients. Since the expansion of her company, Kate’s use of SuperSaaS has changed. We decided to check in on how SuperSaaS has helped Kate manage her growing business.

How did you first come to know about SuperSaaS?

I came in contact with SuperSaaS for one of my fitness classes. I was an end–user at the time and used SuperSaaS to schedule classes online. Now I use SuperSaaS so that clients can schedule appointments and schedule sessions either with myself or my employees.

What do you do?

I teach internationals how to job search in the Danish cultural context. These include assistance in giving feedback on resumes and cover letters, and interview preparation. In addition to helping with these aspects, I ensure people have the right tools to integrate into the Danish labor market. Denmark is very different when it comes to finding a job than in the United States, where I am from. By organizing workshops and training sessions, I teach my clients how to navigate the Danish labor market, cope with cultural nuances, communicate their value to companies, and how to network and make LinkedIn content to maintain a strong presence. I registered my business on March 1st, 2020, and since then, my company has grown rapidly. I now also work with businesses and organizations to expand their visibility and retain international talent.

How has SuperSaaS helped you so with your business so far?

In the early stages of my company, SuperSaaS online scheduling system helped me increase my productivity significantly. With SuperSaaS, I could automate the reservation process for me and my customers. Before, I was doing everything manually, and the appointment making needed to follow a specific process, starting with making a contract, followed by an e-signature, and then a money transfer. This took a considerable amount of time and effort. Ever since I started using SuperSaaS for my booking process, I have been freed up from all those time-consuming tasks. Now, I utilize SuperSaaS for myself and my employees. Clients can now choose who they can book an appointment with after signing up via the Career Denmark website. SuperSaaS takes care of everything and saves hours of valuable time.

Why did you want to work as a career consultant

I saw the struggles that internationals have in landing their dream job in Denmark. As I have life experience, I wanted to help others and see if my methods could help internationals and they do! Then over time, I honed these methods and tailor them more to the specific needs of the clients based on their educational background, etc. Now I have helped hundreds of internationals in landing positions successfully in the Danish labor market based on my methods and training. This is why I believe that it can be so beneficial for internationals to receive professional help for applying to jobs in an international or intercultural market.

How have things been going recently?

Things have been hectic but are going well. Besides expanding Career Denmark, I’ve also become a mother to a lovely baby boy. Back when I started, my business really started to take off, and the online calendar integrated on my website really started to fill out. Schools, universities, and institutions were pushing appointments weeks, if not months, into the future.

Now, I am not only working with clients looking for a job, but also with companies and organizations. Which, as an entrepreneur, requires a lot of commitment and balance between the two different types of clients and services. I have been a very structured person ever since I started out in sales. In sales, I used a CRM platform to keep all my customer information at hand. SuperSaaS does the same for my clients. So, I make sure to schedule everything. SuperSaaS takes away having to schedule all my appointments manually, which makes it a lot easier to maintain a structured professional lifestyle.

What are you doing differently now?

Since SuperSaaS has the ability to create more complicated schedule scenarios, I am exploring how it can help me expand the business. Right now I am working with one employee, but I plan to work with more freelancers in the future. This might mean I need different schedules to optimize our processes.

What do you like about using SuperSaaS?

I really like the integrations SuperSaaS offers with Google Calendar. I use Google Calendar a lot in my routine, and when I got the web hook, it was integrated easily and quickly. Now, client appointments are automatically imported to my Google Calendar, and customers receive a Google Meet link, even though it does take some time before my users receive their link.

Another feature I appreciate is the SuperSaaS payment system and its support for various currencies. When searching for appointment scheduling software, most didn’t offer the Danish currency (DKK), which is a bit of a problem for a Denmark-based business. Having the option to let my clients pay in Danish Krone was definitely a huge selling point that led me to choose SuperSaaS.

While I am satisfied with the options SuperSaaS offers, I do hope SuperSaaS will refine their user experience design in the future to make it even more client-friendly. Sometimes, my clients and I have difficulties navigating the schedule or finding specific features.

Overall, I am happy using SuperSaaS for my business. It’s inexpensive and very customizable.

Interested in Kate’s business? Visit Kate’s website for more information: Career Denmark

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